Lawrence McDaniel
Emerging Markets Entrepreneur
Lawrence is a serial fintech entrepreneur with a focus on early-stage ventures in Latin America. He was an early employee at three startups that were later acquired by Goldman Sachs, IBM and Deutsche Bank respectively, and has participated in a successful NASDAQ IPO. Lawrence was a pioneer in software-driven quantitative mortgage trading at Portland-based WCC as well as equity trading for San Francisco-based Ascend Capital. He has advised dozens of startups as well as bank and hedge fund launches around the world. He currently leads the AWS Activate program for Startup Mexico in Mexico City and he also is the executive director of Mexican non-profit organizations edMex and M-Arca. Lawrence has a BS in Computer Science from University of North Texas. [website:]
1 article by Lawrence McDaniel
Capturing Cloud Customers in the Emerging Markets
The developed world is leveraging the financial and performance benefits of the commoditization of hardware and IT services and the subsequent shift of these elements off premise to the cloud. Meanwhile, a discrete set of practical factors extend the propagation delay in Emerging Markets, especially with regard to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), pushing many potential customers into the "late majority" category.
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